Friday, November 28, 2014

How To Make The Best Marijuana Brownie

BUTTER Method — What You Need

1. Butter
2. 2.5 grams of marijuana per serving
3. A Grinder
4. A Filter (coffee filter, pasta strainer)
5. Brownie mix
6. A Small pot and a larger pot
7. A Wooden spoon

In order to use butter to extract the THC and bake brownies, two pots are required, one larger and one smaller. The larger one should be filled up with clean water and the same size as the burner for an even burn. Place the smaller pot inside the larger one and throw in 2-3 sticks of butter.

Turn the burner on a low setting until the water in the larger pot begins to simmer. Once this happens, use your judgment on a good setting,  med — low, to establish a near simmer. 

Place your marijuana inside the smaller pot with the butter. The water in the larger pot will heat up the THC in the marijuana in the the smaller pot with out burning it which could destroy the THC, making the brownies useless.

What are the effects?
Eating marijuana is a little different from smoking it. The effects last much longer, and the experience can be a lot more intense. The effects can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to start. So if nothing happens for a while, don't get too impatient and eat more. We recommend starting with a low dose, and increase it the next time until you are happy with the high.
When the effects do kick in you will start to feel very relaxed. If you are sitting in a comfy spot, you may not want to move! Many people refer to the effects as ‘Body Stoned’ because your body will feel very relaxed and heavy.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Takoyaki ! my favorite ... =D


Benni Shoga (Red Ginger)
Ebi (Dried Shrimp)
Green Onion
Tenkasu (Tempura Flakes OR Rice Bubbles smashed up)
Tako (Octopus, chopped into bite-sized pieces)
2 Eggs
1 ½ cups of Flour
2 ½ cups of Dashi or Stock


1 Preheat the hot plate on High with the Takoyaki pan on it. It will take quite a while to heat up.

2 Make the batter by putting the eggs and the stock in with the flour and mix. Make sure it’s not too thin, almost like a pancake batter will do.

3 Know that after the Pan has heated up, grease the pan with oil (sesame or rice bran oil is best), and well! After pan is greased, half fill the Takoyaki pans holes with batter, and then put in the other ingredients. After that, fill up the rest of the Takoyaki pan's holes with batter.

4 Look to see that when the top of the batter is brown, turn the Takoyaki over with a skewer of some sort (use two, one in each hand, if necessary). Keep turning them over.

5 Serve on a plate with okonomi sauce, mayonnaise, grounded Nori (seaweed) and bonito (fish) flakes.


If you would like, you could do the same steps, but instead of cooking them in the Takoyaki pan, you could use Muffin tins in the oven.

Just cook them at whatever heat you cook muffins at. Every oven is different, so i don't want to recommend anything.

If you can't find some of the ingredients listed, see if you could find subsitutes!

It takes a lot of Practice to turn over the balls while cooking, but if you grease the Takoyaki pan really well, it will be easier. But remember, they will never be perfect.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Resepi Masakan Korea Mie Jajangmyeon (Mie Hitam Korea)

Jajangmyun...  (^_^) <3<3<3

Bahan-bahan :
600g mie basah
100g daging sapi
2 buah bawang bombai
1/2 buah zukini
2 buah kentang
1 sdm gula pasir
4 sdm air sagu
2 gelas air,
7 sdm minyak
6 sdm saus Jajangmyeon yang disebut Chunjang
Cara membuat :
• Potong daging
• Potong dadu bawang bombai, kentang, dan zukini
• Goreng saus Jajangmyeon dengan 6 sdm minyak
• Panaskan wajan dengan 1 sdm minyak lalu goreng bawang bombai
• Kemudian masukkan daging sapi, zukini, dan kentang
• Setelah bahan-bahan itu matang masukkan saus yang sudah digoreng
• Aduk-aduk supaya merata lalu tuangkan air sagu
• Setelah dididihkan selama 5 menit lagi matikan api.
• Rebuslah mie lalu bilas dengan air.
• Taruh mie dalam mangkuk besar dan tuangkan saus di atasnya.
• Sajikan bersama dengan asinan lobak kuning.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sotong Celup Tepong...=D

Bahan yang diperlukan,

300 gm sotong
1 cawan tepung gandum
1 sk baking powder
1 biji telur
sedikit garam
lada sulah

Cara-cara nak buat,

Potong sotong kecil2, bersihkan dan toskan airnya biar sampai kering.

Gaul sotong dgn sedikit garam dan lada sulah.

Pukul telur setakat nak satukan yg kuning dgn yg putih jer. Masukkan sotong ke dalam telur. Ketepikan

Gaul tepung dgn bp. Masukkan sotong yg telah digaul dgn telur dalam tepung, salutkan habis sotong dgn tepung. Kalu nak pedas boleh letak sikit serbuk kari dalam tepung.

Goreng deep fry sampai golden brown. Goreng sotong kejap jer dalam 4-5 min kalau tak nanti sotong keras and liat pulak. oke dah =D

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Resepi Ikan Siakap Tiga Rasa

1 ekor ikan Siakap saiz sederhana
3 biji bawang merah
2 ulas bawang putih
2 senduk cili kisar
Nenas dipotong segitiga kecil
Tomato dipotong dadu
Sedikit sos tamato
Sedikit air asam
Sedikit garam

Basuh Siakap yang telah disiang dengan perahan limau kasturi atau limau purut dan biarkan seketika. Setelah beberapa minit, basuh dan toskan ikan tersebut sebelum digoreng.
Tumiskan bawang merah dan bawang putih yang telah dicincang halus. Setelah naik bau, masukkan cili kisar. Setelah agak kering, masukkan sos tomato, nenas, perahan air asam, tomato dan garam. Setelah bahan-bahan mesra, masukkan ikan Siakap goreng dan gaul rata. oke dah =D